Saturday, May 30, 2009


Patricia and I met up at the park again this morning. We jogged the 1.27 mile loop and then around one of the ponds. There were tons of soccer players out. It was already sunny, but the angle of the sun meant there was plenty of shade. The cool breeze was nice.

It's amazing how fast these runs are going now. The first half of the 25 minute run was gone almost before I'd warmed up. The second half felt a little longer, but I had no problem keeping my legs going until Ullrey said it was time to stop. Other than that one run a few weeks ago, Lucy has had no problems whatsoever. I just wish I could get her to stop barking and lunging at other dogs on the trail.

On to Week 7!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


My ambitious attempt to wake up at 6AM this morning was foiled by my sleepy dismissal (not snooze) of the alarm. I did manage to wake up to my second alarm at 7AM. I got up and dressed for the run.

It was a little muggy out, but the concrete was cool (for Lucy) and there was still plenty of shade from the low angle of the sun. I had no problem with the run.

It's exciting to think that I'm now done with intervals. All I have left is long runs.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week 8 Weigh in

It was looking sketchy at the beginning, but I ended up having a GREAT week. I'm down 3 lbs for a total of 14.6 lbs lost.

I'm also trying something new this week. I've been lamenting lately that it's such a pain to transfer my excel spreadsheet journal between work and home to track my points. I wish one of the online calorie tracker sites allowed me to count points, but Weight Watchers keeps a tight hold on that (and they charge for it).

The other night I discovered Google Docs. I uploaded my journal spreadsheet and can keep it open in a browser window on my desktop at work (instead of leaving an Excel window open all day). It automatically saves each time I change a field. When I get home, I just open it on one of my home computers for easy tracking in the evening. Aaaand, at the end of the week I can download it to my home computer for my records (or just leave it online). I've got a blank journal template online and can just save a copy at the beginning of each week. Yay!

Monday, May 25, 2009


Lucy and I met up with my friend Patricia at Meyer Park this evening. She's a soccer player on off-season so running is no problem for her. We used to walk together frequently last year, until she had a leg injury that kept her on crutches for a while.

I put only one headphone in so that I could chat during the walks but still hear the verbal cues and music. The run went well. Even though Patricia is already a capable runner, she didn't make me feel pressured to go faster or further.

She may join me on Friday or Saturday for W6D3.

I would like to add that my dread of the long runs has pretty much dissipated after W5D3. I know that I'm capable of whatever time is required at this point. 25 minutes isn't really any different from 20 minutes. I'm at the point where I've accepted that "this run" isn't going to be "til the next corner" or any point ahead of me that I can see and mark with my eyes. I'll just keep going until told to stop.


I dropped 2 lbs since Saturday morning. I'm moving again!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Just as I'd thought, it was ALL mental.

I woke up before my 7:45am alarm and started getting dressed for my drive to shady (and soccer-enthusiast infested) Meyer Park. I put less water than usual in my camelbak lumbar pack. I figured that I'd take a few sips during the run, but the majority of water would be taken immediately after the run (with some given to Lucy in her portable bowl). I still wanted to carry it with me, but not full and heavy.

Anyway, the run was uneventful. I'd expected the first five minutes to be hard. They weren't, really. After that the run flew by. I plodded along, not focusing much on Ullrey's verbal cues for the other runs. By the time he told Day 1 to start the last five minute run, I was mulling over the idea of running an extra minute along with Day 1 and 2. However, I noticed that Lucy was starting to slow. At that time we were running what I consider the park's *squirrel gauntlet*, so she was distracted, but she may also have been tiring. When Ullrey told me I was done with my D3 run, all thoughts of that extra minute fled and I slowed to something that could NOT be called a "brisk walk".... but I did keep moving.

My legs were immediately infused with a sense of lethargy that lasted for a few minutes. I don't think I could have started running again at that point if my life depended on it. I sipped water from the camelbak and walked. I was nowhere near the car by the end of the cool down, so I put on another high energy song and continued along the path. My legs eventually recovered and by the time I got to the parking lot, I was walking briskly.

Arriving back at the truck, I figured that my workout had been a total of about 40 minutes, with a running distance of maybe 1 1/3 mile (I jog pretty slowly).

Looking ahead, Week 6 is looking pretty easy. After having gotten over the mental hump of the 20 minute run, two 10 minuters on D2 should be a piece of cake. The 25 minute run on D3 is just another matter of keeping going until it's time to stop. I can do it.

If I keep to the schedule of 3 runs per week, my 5K race on June 20th should coincide with my W9D3 workout. My graduation run will truly be my graduation!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Staying Positive

I'm glad that I haven't set any time-based weight loss goals lately. I lost 10 lbs in April (my first month). I'm doubting that I'll even make it to 5 lbs this month. I'm definitely bummed that the Pandora charm has been sitting wrapped on the night stand for so long.

I'm working on it. Promise! The scale just hasn't been moving much these days. Up a little one day, down a little the next. I still look forward to weighing each morning and I try not to be too disappointed if it's up.

At least I can legitimately blame it on the NM and Vegas trips. I made the choice at the time to be a little off program and I'm dealing with the consequences.

Thursday, May 21, 2009


"Our sport is your sport's punishment."

I've been lurking on Runnersworld lately and remember seeing this quote in someone's signature. It really hits home, mainly because I've been doing a lot of thinking about my early experiences with running.

The "President's Physical Fitness Test" was one of the most dreaded weeks of my elementary school career. They'd make us attempt to do pullups and other difficult exercises. The culmination of this annual humiliation was the "Mile Run". The teachers would lay out a course and time each student. I remember spending the majority of it walking, out of breath, and getting passed by other kids.

As I got older and participated in jr high sports and then marching band all the way through college, the penalty for screwing up was "take a lap!". I hated running. I hated the thought of running. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to do it.

Well, today I completed W5D2 of the Couch to 5K. I ran two intervals of 8 minutes with only 5 minutes rest between runs. It's no more than I ran last week (16 minutes) but just the first 8 minutes was the longest uninterrupted time spent running in my entire life. Furthermore, at the end of the first interval, I know that I *could* have kept going. Wow.

And I was fine. When I started the run, I reminded myself of the things that got me through W1, like keeping the pace slow. Sure, I was breathing heavily, but I was able to curb Lucy when she started pulling on the leash. I was able to look around. I was able to stay positive when Ullrey gave time warnings for the other runs on this week's podcast. I was hyped.

I am so incredibly excited about this weekend's run. I'm going to mow that sucker down.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Do Over

Much better. After really behaving myself for the last couple of days, the Vegas weight is GONE!. I'm down over a pound (1.2) since yesterday and at a new low. :D

I'm also proud of myself for last night. After exercising in the morning, I came home from work and had a normal (albeit early) dinner. I then geared up and went to a bike night where I (seriously too full from dinner to eat anything more anyway) guzzled two glasses of iced tea. I'd been avoiding bike nights because the food usually doesn't jive with my diet. It's good to know that I can go out with a group and be fine. I came home and rewarded myself with a planned 2 pt ice cream bar.

It IS a good week.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


The weather in Houston has been absolutely lovely the last few days. Cool (for summer) and breezy with clear skies. It won't last though, so I've made it one of my goals to start regularly exercising (running) in the morning.

I awoke this morning around 7am and stiffly rolled out of bed. According to the temperature guage, it was in the high 60s, so I decided to skip my new (bought yesterday) sleeveless running shirt and go with a short-sleeve cotton shirt. Lucy was happy to get out of her crate. She did some stretching and off we went.

The three 5-minute intervals were easy after my runs last week. I know I'm ready to do the 8 minute runs.... but I'm still debating if I want to stay with Ullrey's podcast for the 20 minute run. I know I'll be running along tracking the warnings for the other runs. Podrunner might be a good alternative. We'll see.

Week 7 Weigh in

Well, I knew it might happen. I'm up 0.8 lbs this week, for a total of 11.6 lbs lost. I'm obviously disappointed at the gain, but I'm happy it was less than a pound. That hazelnut creme brulee was worth it. So was the toffee fudge cake. And the carnitas sandwich with fried pickle chips was seriously spectacularrrrr.

Anyway, I'm feeling very successful with my other endeavors right now (all the way to W5 of C25K and staying on my exercise schedule even through the vacation) so I won't let it get me down. I'll have a loss next week.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Just finished the 4th week of Couch to 5K. I'm feeling good about my running. 5 minute runs are hard, but I know at this point that I'm very capable.

I've decided that my small fanny pack camelbak is more than adequate for my running up to this point. The 70 oz backpack was bouncing around too much and definitely held more water than I needed.

Next week's schedule really ramps up the runs. On Saturday or Sunday I'll be doing my first 20 minute run. I'm refusing to be negatively apprehensive about it. I can do this!

W4D1 & W4D2

Woo! I was in Las Vegas half of last week for work.

I flew in on Wednesday afternoon, got to my hotel (Hard Rock) and immediately changed into my running gear. Just running "around the block" was a perfect distance for W4D1. Unfortunately I'd misgauged the amount of water I would need and ran out right after the 3rd interval. I was hurting a little bit at the end of the last interval but I made it.

I did W4D2 on Friday morning, after having been out dancing until 2am the night before. I woke up around 9ish and changed into my jogging clothes hoping that
A. It wouldn't be too hot already.
B. My legs and feet wouldn't be too beat from walking the convention all day Thursday (not to mention the dancing in 3" heels the night before).

Well, it was hot alright. Clear skies and the sun beating down at 9am, but at least my legs were fine. The five minute runs were a little harder, but I'm getting better at just ignoring the amount of time I have left and running until "the nice voice tells me to stop". At least I did manage to bring plenty of water this time.

Anyway, while I was NOT as good foodwise (too many desserts and rich foods) as I'd hoped I'd be, the scale this morning showed me down .2 lbs from my last weigh in back on last tuesday morning.

I'll do W4D3 tonight and finally get back on schedule of doing one week during one week. It'll help immensely that I don't have any more trips planned for the rest of C25K. Yay!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Week 6 Weigh in - And Stuff!

I had a fantastic week. My body bounced back from the New Mexico trip to a 3 lb loss, bringing me to a total of 12.4 lbs lost. Woohoo!

Other news:

I have the bestest boyfriend in the world. We'd discussed him selecting some Pandora charms for my existing charm bracelet (which I wear daily) as awards for 15 lb losses (I will have 3 to get to goal). I thought he forgot, but there was a wrapped package on the nightstand at his place the other day. I haven't opened it yet to see what he got me, because I haven't made it to 15 yet, but I'm very close. Only 2.6 lbs to go. Maybe next week?

I signed up to run in the Dad's Day 5K on June 20. I'm very excited. This will be my first ever 5K. I should be pretty far along in the C25K by then, so I expect to be capable. I might have to upgrade my running attire by then.

Aaaaand I'm jetting off to Las Vegas tomorrow. It's an annual thing that my office does. I'll be attending a convention and going to lots of parties and cocktail events. I've packed my running clothes, shoes, and a small camelbak. I'm hoping to squeeze in a run on Wednesday night and Friday morning. I should be able to run with Lucy again on Sunday night. If I stick to this schedule, maybe...just maybe I'll actually be able to start a D1 in the Beginning of the week instead of halfway through.

I'm going to work very hard to make good choices for breakfast and lunch, and I plan to avoid the munchies they pass around in the cocktail hours. I'm less adamant about dinner though. We'll be dining in 2 very fancy restaurants (paid for by product reps) and I intend to enjoy the high end cuisine. I'll be doing plenty of walking, dancing, and (hopefully) running, so any major calories should be offset with activity.

Monday, May 11, 2009


It's pretty cool to think to myself: "Three weeks ago you could barely run for a minute at a time. Now you're jogging 3 minute intervals. In two more weeks, you will be jogging for 20 minutes at a time."

I'm now 1/3 done with the Couch to 5K and feeling great. All three workouts this week went fairly smoothly and I'm not at all intimidated by week 4.

Today's workout was a little different in one respect...

It started raining about 5 minutes after I left my apartment. I figured it was just going to be patchy, so I kept going. It rained the entire time, varying from light sprinkles to heavy drops. I had one wet dog, but at least she wasn't in danger of overheating.

Saturday, May 9, 2009


The temperature was saying 84 and partly cloudy, but I think a midday run is starting to be too hot here in Houston. I was fine during the run, but Lucy was noticeably slowing in areas of shade during the cool down walk.

She is always supposed to sit by the door to the apartment as I unlock it. This time she lay down and then collapsed again a few feet inside. I ended up bring the water bowl to her because I couldn't get her to come to the kitchen. Five minutes later she was moving around again, but I admit I was a little worried.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to finishing up this week and moving on to 5 minute runs. Now THAT sounds like an accomplishment!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


That was actually (dare I say it?) ...easy...

I wasn't feeling like driving all the way to the park (10 minutes), so I filled up the camelbak, leashed the dog, and stepped out my front door to make a loop around the local high school.

The first 90 second interval was nothing new, I'd been doing it all last week. No problem. 90 seconds was also plenty of time to recover and prepare for my first 3 minute run....and it was ...easy...

While riding my motorcycle for endless hours on I-10 last week, I spent a lot of time spacing out. I mean, I was always paying attention to the road and drivers around me, but the only way to get through that much boring interstate is to disconnect from the idea that you have "this many more miles" or "this many more hours" to go and by the way, don't obsess over your sore rump or how much your shoulders ache.

In both riding and running, music helps. As my eyes range over my ever changing surroundings, I stop thinking about time and distance. I just jam to the beat and perpetuate the movements my body is making.

During the last 3 minute interval, I was kind of annoyed when Ullrey jarred me back into awareness with his one minute warning. I didn't want to know how much was left.

I can hardly wait to do W3D2.

In other news, I have an old Polar F11 heart rate monitor that I used to exercise with frequently. A battery issue (I procrastinated getting the watch battery replaced) relegated it to my dining room table last year. I tried using it again at the beginning of this year when I first got Lucy, but it was the chest transmitter's turn to have low battery.

Anyway, I was planning to start using it again when I complete C25K (thinking that a beeping HRM was incompatible with the program). Reading over the manual this weekend, I realized that it has a "manual-HRlimits off" setting which simply records heart rate over the course of a workout.

I wore it today during this workout and occasionally glanced down at it just to see where my heart rate was during different stages of the intervals (just curious).

One of my big past issues with the HRM is that it wouldn't "let" me start running. As soon as I began to run, my heart rate would shoot up and the watch would start beeping like crazy. During this run, my max heart rate was lower than I've ever seen it during an attempt to jog.

I also tested my OwnIndex (basically a proprietary version of VO2-Max) and was shocked to find I'd improved by 10 points from the last time I tested (about a year ago) and was by far my highest ever result (that's good). I'm certain that this improvement has entirely happened within the last few weeks. I think the F11 is going to become a valuable motivation and fitness tracking tool for me in a month or two. I'm adding some VO2-Max goals to my list.

Willpower in the face of Danishes

When I walked into the office on Tuesday, there were two dozen Dunkin' Donuts sitting on the small conference table. I decided that they weren't in my plan for breakfast and managed to ignore them. For lunch I had a 3 point Amy's Organic Shepherd Pie and a 5 point chocolate glazed donut. I had my donut and stayed on plan.

Yesterday the donuts were still there, but someone brought a long cheese/raspberry danish. My coworkers were raving about it all day, but I decided it wasn't worth it. I didn't have a donut either, satisfied after Tuesdays.

This morning, there's a tray of mini-danishes: Svenhards. My usual, cheese, is 5 points. I know from past experience that it's probably not worth it. These danishes aren't *that* yummy and definitely not filling.

I WILL have my usual 2 pt bagel with cream cheese, yogurt, and coffee and make it through to lunch more satisfied. I can do this.

<10 AM edit>
A product rep just brought more danishes. French Bakery. I'm being good. So good.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Ok, much better. I'm back below 10 lbs this morning. :D

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Well, that was much easier than I expected, especially after not having run since Friday morning. I kept the nice slow pace I've been working at, but didn't experience the usual "out-of-breathiness" typical of past runs.

Maybe this is obvious to other women: I've been constantly annoyed by my "front" hair. It was escaping my ponytail and flopping into my face. Sometime this week I rediscovered the French ponytail (kinda like a french braid, but without the braid), where I first pull back the hair around my face into a high ponytail and then gather it and the rest of my hair into a standard ponytail at the base of my skull. Works much better!

I'm giving myself permission to continue my runs in order, even if a "week" isn't contained within a "week". I'll do Week 3 on Thursday, Sunday, and Tuesday. I'm flying to Las Vegas next Wednesday morning, to return on Saturday. With all the walking and dancing (in heels) I'll be doing while there, I can't even imagine my feet being capable of jogging.

Week 5 Weigh in

Well, considering the circumstances, I didn't do too badly.

I'm down 0.6 lbs since last Tuesday, but up 0.8 lbs from my last weigh in. (10 lbs loss - NOT YOURS). Overall, I'm down 9.4 lbs.

I feel like I made pretty good choices on my trip. I generally had a bowl of raisin bran with milk for breakfast and a Subway sandwich with baked chips for lunch. Dinners were sensible, with one exception. On the "official dinner" night, I caved and had chicken fried chicken. I was right back On Points the next day.

I'm also pretty dehydrated. I was riding long days and didn't want to have to stop every hour for a potty break, so I didn't drink as much water as I should have. (Sure would be nice to be a guy and not have to worry about finding a rest stop and taking off all the gear.) I'm working hard to drink my water today. Hopefully the scale will respond tomorrow morning.

I leave for Las Vegas in about a week. I'm leaning toward trying to behave for breakfast and lunch, but our dinners will be in high-end restaurants, paid for by product reps. I'm thinking that I'll probably enjoy myself at dinner and not worry about calories, just taste. I'll plan to get right back on the wagon on Saturday when we come back.

Anyway, I have a full week to prepare for that trip and try gaining back some of the ground I lost this weekend.

Friday, May 1, 2009


My annoying (as opposed to gentle and melodious) alarm went off at 6:00 this morning. I was attempting to be ambitious and get in both the jog AND an early start. One glance out the window changed that. It was still pitch black outside. I wasn't ready to venture out through an unfamiliar town in the dark.

Conditions were much better 45 minutes later. I put on my "jogging gear" and headed out.

It took approximately half the workout to pass through the entire *downtown*, including The Stoplight. After the middle 2 minute break, I turned around and made it back to the motel shortly after the five minute cool down finished.

No problems with the run... I felt fine but definitely missed having Lucy next to me.

I also note that I've been very good about staying On Points so far. My meals have all been sensible and journaled.