Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Week 8 Weigh in

It was looking sketchy at the beginning, but I ended up having a GREAT week. I'm down 3 lbs for a total of 14.6 lbs lost.

I'm also trying something new this week. I've been lamenting lately that it's such a pain to transfer my excel spreadsheet journal between work and home to track my points. I wish one of the online calorie tracker sites allowed me to count points, but Weight Watchers keeps a tight hold on that (and they charge for it).

The other night I discovered Google Docs. I uploaded my journal spreadsheet and can keep it open in a browser window on my desktop at work (instead of leaving an Excel window open all day). It automatically saves each time I change a field. When I get home, I just open it on one of my home computers for easy tracking in the evening. Aaaand, at the end of the week I can download it to my home computer for my records (or just leave it online). I've got a blank journal template online and can just save a copy at the beginning of each week. Yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah I've had that problem. Really I just haven't been able to get into any computer program for my calories. I use a blank journal. When I'm in the kitchen cooking I write down as I go.

Google docs is pretty neat and certainly beats carrying around a thumb drive all day.