Thursday, May 7, 2009

Willpower in the face of Danishes

When I walked into the office on Tuesday, there were two dozen Dunkin' Donuts sitting on the small conference table. I decided that they weren't in my plan for breakfast and managed to ignore them. For lunch I had a 3 point Amy's Organic Shepherd Pie and a 5 point chocolate glazed donut. I had my donut and stayed on plan.

Yesterday the donuts were still there, but someone brought a long cheese/raspberry danish. My coworkers were raving about it all day, but I decided it wasn't worth it. I didn't have a donut either, satisfied after Tuesdays.

This morning, there's a tray of mini-danishes: Svenhards. My usual, cheese, is 5 points. I know from past experience that it's probably not worth it. These danishes aren't *that* yummy and definitely not filling.

I WILL have my usual 2 pt bagel with cream cheese, yogurt, and coffee and make it through to lunch more satisfied. I can do this.

<10 AM edit>
A product rep just brought more danishes. French Bakery. I'm being good. So good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Around here it's breakfast tacos from my favorite mexican food place. It sucks but I've learned to ignore all the food that's in the office kitchen. Plus I make sure my desk if full of healthy snack options to turn to.