Wednesday, June 17, 2009


That's it! I'm done with running until the 5K race on Saturday.

I started C25K on April 21st. I've been constantly amazed at the improvement in my cardiovascular system. I went from huffing and puffing and feeling like I was going to die if Ullrey didn't let me stop soon to just a mild ache in my calves.  I don't yet *love* running, but I have high hopes that if I keep it up, eventually I will.

I've run in the rain, mid-day heat, and cool evening. I've run in unfamiliar cities, various local parks, and from my front door. Every run has been a sniff-tastic adventure for my dog Lucy, who spends most workdays cooped up in her crate. I'm getting my first summer tan in years (the majority of my outdoors activity in the past has been spent completely covered up in gear, riding my motorcycle).

I've only lost around 10 lbs during the program, but I don't blame the running for lack of progress. I'm not very strict with my diet, trading slowed weight loss for an eating plan that I can truly *live* with.

1 comment:

Caley said...

congrats becca! good luck on the 5km!!!!